Monday, December 18, 2006

Funny signs 2

An example of polderpoëzie (a word coined by my Dutch language teacher) on a traffic light pole in Nassauplein.

When I look into your eyes
something starts burning in my heart
I find you so beautiful
But I don't know how I can say that
So now I have sorrow

An electoral sign of the Party for the Animals. They won 2 seats in the recent elections. It says Shake The Hague awake now!

Dog lover
If you just leave your visiting card in the letter box, our dog is happy to come by you and crap once in front of your door

Read the Bible, the book for you (Jordaan district)

God does not exist (right next to St. Nicholas church, one of the biggest Catholic churches in town, in the heart of the city)

Unknown canal
One way, except for horses (Bovenkerk)

Who I am, who I should be

A harsh discussion ensued between me and Elisa, triggered by comparisons to other people and the situation described in another post. Her argument was that I could achieve more, but I didn't because I didn't behave optimally, so I should change the way I behave. And I should plan a solid future.

Everything can be viewed from optimistic and pessimistic points of view, just like a half-full half-empty glass. And I am not completely unsatisfied of myself, and I don't completely lack self-esteem. So, if I look back to my life, I see that I achieved something, I can be proud of something, I have enough money to afford to eat every day. And, about planning of lack thereof, I don't see it as disastrous, many friends of mine do even less and are happy, maybe happier than me.

All this leads to a choice.
1. I should not care if Elisa looks at the half-empty glass. I should enjoy my half-full glass. Elisa must not tell that I would be the right person if only... Either I am the right person, or I am the wrong person. Stop. Then you decide.
2. I should re-consider my everyday behaviour, starting from tomorrow.

Looking back to my previous jobs, I actually applied policy 1, with satisfaction. So the natural choice is 1. But there is something which makes me think about 2:
- things to lose. This may sound conservative, but when faced with the choice of breaking up, one is naturally inclined to think about what there is to lose. Only when you have nothing to lose, are you really free to decide. Evaluate what there is to lose is difficult, and so is choosing if losing it is worth it
- many pleasant things that happened in my life (yes, there have been many) happened because at certain points I could break the mould, do something unthinkable one month before
- what Elisa says actually touches me, even if I don't want to show that.

I absolutely need a copy of the book Life: A User's Manual. Why is everything so complicated?

Thursday, December 14, 2006


The company organized a party last Friday. Nice. Lots of people, that was the best part. Also the band playing 70s and 80s disco music was nice. The dinner was OK. Not better than OK, the food was not much, the meat was dry with little salt.

At the party, I lost my umbrella. Not a big loss: it was very broken. So I had the chance to buy a new one. Since the weather here and now is very rainy and windy, a good and strong umbrella is a must. So I indulged and bought an original Knirps. Hey, a self-admitting geek who buys an incredibly expensive gadget which is not electronic!!! Unbelievable! It is waterproof and very resistant to the wind. Unfortunately, it is not resistant to one thing: absent-minded people who keep forgetting their umbrellas anywhere, just like me.

And I lost my camera. But someone at work came to me and gave it back to me. I don't know who told him I lost it (but the office managers knew, I wrote them the morning after, telling them the model of the camera, maybe they did). I discovered that, in the meantime, someone else took photos with it. I don't know if I am angry, because people used someone else's camera without permission, or happy, because I had my camera back eventually.

Happy. Not completely, but happy

I will still work for my present company. This is good. I like my job, and this means that they recognized me as a good employee (they also that in the renewal statement). Yet, it is for one more year. I was hoping for a permanent contract.