Saturday, March 24, 2007

New home

Eventually, I moved to the new home. This time, with a regular rental contract, and a landlord who does not plan to phone and tell me to leave in one week.

And I discovered that the home where I lived for more than one year was in a problematic neighbourhood. Funny. Nothing bad happened to me. Well, once I saw a person getting off a taxi and starting fighting with another one who was walking on the street. And someone broke in my friends' motorhome. But I really loved the neighbourhood. I would come back any day. Actually, I would like to come back as soon as possible: I miss the friends, the lovely neighbours, I still go to the old swimming pool despite having to do a long bike ride to get there.

My present neighbourhood is not problematic, according to that list. But it borders with two problematic ones. So I feel less homesick.

I am getting some satisfactions at work. Apparently, my bosses started noticing that I am doing something. They claim that my contract was renewed for one year only because I was not doing well enough (well, they could tell me that before. How can I do better if I don't even know I am not doing well?). But they say that I improved, and one sign of it is that many people come to me and ask me questions, help and consultancy. My take is: people outside my group knew what I did, what I knew and what I was capable to do, so they came to me asking me questions, help and consultancy. Because of this, my bosses got to know what I did, what I knew and what I was capable to do. But I am happy, better late than never.

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